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Clarinet Notes News, Issue #025 -- New Look and Feel
March 12, 2024

New Look and Feel for Clarinet Now

Hello Friends, has been around since 2007 and it is here for this reason: Learn, Practice, and Perform Clarinet Now! Mostly, it is a fundamental site to learn about embouchure, poor embouchure, articulation, hand position, etc… Even if you are an experienced player, reminding yourself of good fundamentals is key. But there are several layers to and you will notice a new navigation panel at the top of the page so you can ‘tool around’ on the site.

I have finally done a refresh on the Famous Clarinet Players page ( and I’m not done yet. This page now has updated Solo Players, Orchestral Principal Clarinetists and current hot Jazz Clarinetists. Still, on the forefront, are some legacy players that I need to update. There are multiple videos on the famous page and this is the place to listen and get a good clarinet ‘tone concept’ into your head. Musical chairs happen all the time, so if a principal player has moved to a new place, let me know.

Yesterday was day 437 of #100DaysOfPractice for me. My commitment has continued into this year. I started on 1 JAN 2023 and it can not be said, typed, or posted enough: Consistency in practice is the key to improvement! Practicing GOOD habits is also super important. (By the way, I have not practiced today yet, but it is on the agenda.)

Question of the day: How is clarinet repair in your neck of the woods? I know I’ve had my challenges in finding a good repair person, what is your take?

Have a great day and please, on top of the repair question, let me know what you think of the new ‘Look and Feel’ of


Chris Jones @clarinetnow

Check out my method book Bumblebee Loops.

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