Comments for Teeth not on mouthpiece!!!

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Jul 18, 2011
My thoughts ..............
by: Glendon Markle


You have my most sincere agreement in almost everything I read from you (and we are not really at odds on this one). And your experience with the double lip embouchure would no doubt make you more of an expert on this issue. My experience is as follows. It seems to me that it is a matter of preference in the clarinet sound timbre. I believe that clarinetists that play double-lip embouchure prefer the (let's call it a more mellow sound) than the sound produced with the single-lip embouchure which I 'hear' as somewhat more 'bright' I agree with you that neither embouchure is wrong. I personally just prefer the single-lip 'sound'. As for the vibration on the teeth on the single-lip embouchure, I have to say I have never been consciously aware of that. But then, my experience is primarily with the single=-lip style of playing.


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