Clarinet Mouthpiece

Clarinet mouthpiece. If you purchased or received a clarinet and play the mouthpiece that originally came in that case, you are in for a big surprise. The dirty little secret is that most stock mouthpieces that come with the clarinet are horrible, usually very free blowing for the very, very beginner clarinetist.

What is this song?

What is this song?  Is it a typical clarinet etude?   Believe me, it works the left hand and the break.  Send your thoughts to me either via Contact or @ClarinetNow on Facebook.  

BUYING A GOOD QUALITY MOUTHPIECE IS THE SINGLE BEST IMPROVEMENT YOU CAN MAKE IN YOUR CLARINET SOUND QUALITY. So, if you are financially strapped and cannot afford a clarinet now, search for some good mouthpieces. is a good place to start.

Starting with a good mouthpiece is important. I usually have my students try the Vandoren M-13 Clarinet Mouthpiece, Vandoren 5RV-Lyre Mouthpiece, and the Vandoren M-30 Mouthpiece.

Understand there are many, many, many more types of mouthpieces. But, these are a good place to start.

If you are buying or trying clarinets, ligatures, mouthpieces or barrels, read the Clarinet Equipment RULE OF THREE page here.